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Browsing around, I stumbled across Google’s 10th birthday (thanks to the Client Side and not my iGoogle, which made no mention of the milestone). Even on the ‘classic’ Google site, there wasn’t much fanfare, just a quick link to ‘come celebrate’ the occasion. Lots of YouTube integration and some geeky Google trivia lies on the other end of that link. But what caught my eye was the Google timeline–rich in hyperlinks and snippets of information.AdSense

Lots of good milestones in there–like the beta launch (kinda obvious), the April Fool’s debut of Gmail in 1994, Google Maps, along with the whole shabang of apps in its portfolio and other memorable moments of note. The tipping point, many will argue, was the advent of AdSense in March of 2003. The commoditization of search was inevitable, but with Google (and Applied Symantics) it was smart too. Not flashy or showy, not priced just for the big players. It was (is) targeted and reasonable and effective.

Without AdSense, I’m not sure Google would be the online behemoth it is today. It certainly wouldn’t be as rich.

My basketball team plays our first game this Thursday. And what do you know our team colours have changed from grey (boring, I know…) to purple (!). It’s a co-ed team, so I’m more than a little impressed that the guys agreed to it. But alas, it means I’m in search of a new t-shirt.

This search brought me online. And what I found was a whole other world of brightly coloured t-shirts and sarcastically dry slogans–none of which can help me in my current predicament, considering I have less than 48 hours until tip off. However, I do have my eye on few gems… Uses funny slogans,’s hilarious and mostly off-coloured one-liners, and just random shit to bring American Apparel shirts to life. My absolute fav can be found here in honour of my Save By the Bell days, when I probably owned a purple tee! More graphical depictions, but funny all the same. Also rocks the A-Apparel, and throws in a little Fruit of the Loom…Oh no they di’in’t! Learn your grammar and have fun at the same time with this beauty.

CNN Shirt Archive: This pick is as shocking to me as it is to you I promise (watch for future posts on why I believe CNN is decaying news journalism). But until then, get your fav CNN headline on your shirt. As you can imagine, the Election 2008 is hogging all the good real-estate. Also note that apparently these ones are hackable and unliked by some.

September 2008
Avon Breast Cancer Crusade

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