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In support of, friend and colleague, Collin Douma’s social media meme, and long overdue I might add, I’ve jotted some notes of social media programs that I’ve seen recently or have stuck with me in the last little while. Caveat- some I’ve worked on or in shouting range of.

Douma’s Meme Rules

  1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
  2. List five Social Media projects that deserve better exposure.
  3. Tag EIGHT {as many as you’d like} “Social Media / Digital Experts” at the end of your post and list their names.
  4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.
  5. Tag your post “Five Gems” so we can search for all of these great examples.

1. 5 Friends – This PSA doesn’t exactly need my endorsement, seeing as the star studded Youtube video already has the thumbs up from the likes of Decaprio, Whitaker, and Silverman. However, the message is something I support fully–in the free world, the decision not to vote is a slap in the face of all those countries who don’t have the option. (American readers out there, please show us Northern neighbours up and hit higher than 60% voter turnout. Pretty please.)

2. Potatoe Parade – Nowadays, email virals are few and far between. But I still remember when this one, stickhandled by Glue London, from McCain. And I still get it sent to me by well meaning (and encouraging) friends. For a bit of info into the making of the lovable spuds, see Glue’s case study.

3. Xarelto Social Media Release – Bayer’s one-stop-shop of news, video, images. Helping patients, family, media, and others understand what can help prevent blood clots in patients who have undergone elective hip or knee replacement surgery.  {H&K client}

4. Extreme Gamefaces –  A gamers playground. Bringing together a community of PC gamers, who will certainly pwn you!  {H&K client}

5. Throbbing Hearts – A fun site, from Motorola, that includes social tools, a Facebook app, and an overall tongue and cheek experience. Throbbing Hearts doesn’t take itself too seriously, which makes it my kinda people. {H&K client}

I tag,

Mike, Meegs, Parker, David & Hessie

Every so often I get the urge to go through my online profiles and do a little tidying up. Taking an inventory of where I exist online is overwhelming, considering all the upkeep that needs to happen, and I am by far not as connected as I could be. Right now, you can find me on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Wikispaces, Delicious, Yammer, and more that I don’t even remember I have accounts to.

Some I use more than others. Some require more time than I often have to give. Some are so cool that I don’t care how long it takes, I just love them.

How do people manage? All the passwords and login names–I still haven’t master the art of this. Each platform gears to a different audience and therefore requires different content from me. Keeping track of who’s keeping track of me is exhausting. Mitch Joel described it pretty well, saying Facebook is your past, MySpace is your present, and Linkedin is your future.  I’d almost entirely agree with that, except maybe label MySpace as my music provider. But nonetheless, they’re all important.

Twitter is sometimes my feedreader, Delicious is often my research partner, and Wikispaces is my collaborator. My bet is Yammer will soon be my water cooler…but the verdict is still out.

So knowing all this, I take a few hours every so often and truly geek out. Tweaking settings and changing profile pictures and polishing everything up just so. Just the way my OCD-brain likes it in that particular moment.

And all is right with the world again.  

* Cartoon by Oliver Widder @

Last night (or more accurately, this morning) I ventured out with the masses to see art. Lots and lots of art. So much art, that often I was mistaking regular inanimate objects around the city for art–is that bike art? I don’t know, but it’s just so beautiful.

In its third year, organizers did everything they could to make everything beautiful. They also vowed to make this year’s event ‘more user-friendly’. Since I haven’t attended Nuit before I had nothing to compare the night to–but I found getting around the city and finding the exhibitions very easy and painless.

So all in all a good time…EXCEPT (you must have seen that coming).

My one exception is the HUGE miss that Nuit and Scotia Bank (the lead sponsor) made in its pre-event digital footprint. In preparation for the night, I went online to help scope out my route. I scoured the Nuit site to find where the smartphone apps where available to download…half an hour later, I finally gave up. They didn’t make one?! Really?!

How could this be? Everyone has their phones with them, everyone is texting each other, some of the exhibits even hinged on Nuit-goers using their thumbs. An app with GPS capabilities, exhibit descriptions, and other tips and tricks to help get us through the night–Now that would have been user-friendly!

In a city where Blackberry’s and iPhone’s run rampant, a Scotia branded Nuit map app would have impressed this year. But at the rate that mobile technology is being entrenched in our culture, next year it won’t be impressive, it’ll be expected. 

Above is one of the cooler installments that I saw. Click here for the artist’s vision.

Full Discloser: H&K has previously done work for ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation

For the second year running, the philanthropy committee at H&K (aptly named Dare 2 Care) has held a office-wide BINGO game to raise money for learning resources for adult literacy programs. Players donate money for cards in hopes of winning vacation days. BINGO dabbers are provided, all the numbers from B1 to O75 are thrown into a bingo cage, and for two weeks of the year–it’s game on!  

Being communicators by profession, it’s easy to see why supporting adult literacy is a good fit. But it can be a harder task than expected trying to find the appropriate avenue for our donations. That’s where ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation came to our rescue. This is an organization that gives adults access and opportunities to increase their literacy skills and realize their full potential. One that takes on global competitiveness and the economy of literacy.

In gratitude for their encouragement, I’d love to highlight a smart, thoughtfull letter by the president of ABC Literacy, Margaret Eaton. Measurement, economic considerations, and creative approaches to literacy in Canada – ABC Literacy says game on!

October 2008
Avon Breast Cancer Crusade

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